The Sound Of Stavanger

Dec 2008

X-Mas gigs reviews

Rogalands Avis on the Christer Knutsen / Hovering Orville gig at Cementen (in Norwegian)
Stavanger Aftenblad on the Helldorado gig at Checkpoint Charlie (in Norwegian)
Rogalands Avis on Sebastian Waldejer, Eltervaag & Frank Vidovic gig at Cementen (in Norwegian)

Happy holidays!

We are taking a well deserved (?) holiday, the office will be closed from 23. December - 28. December

For 2009 we´ve got a couple of very interesting projects lined up:
New albums by
Great people, great music, what more can you ask for?!

If you are in Stavanger remember to check out Helldorado live at
Checkpoint Charlie 25th December and Christer Knutsen + Hovering Orville at Cementen 27th December, not to forget our old friend Micke From Sweden at Cementen 30th December

Happy Holidays everyone!

Spådde noen Finanskrisen?


En hilsen fra Jørgen Tjemsland som deltok på (Not Just) Another X-Mas Album med sitt alter ego Van Daog i 2004:

Knut Hoem etterlyser i kulturnytt 18.des. 2008 at kunstnere burde forutsett finanskrisen; Mitt alter ego Van Daog så dette komme allerede i 2004. Ut fra dette er det lett å hevde at Van Daog burde vært økonom, finansminister eller pengeplasserer og ikke låtskriver. Van Daog står imidlertid på sitt og hevder at det er lett å spå i framtiden; Det er bare å konkludere med at alt før eller siden går adundas. Da vil man som regel få rett. Før eller siden. Dette er et godt utgangspunkt å skrive sanger fra, men ikke å bli rik på. Og hvis det mot formodning skulle gå bra, kan man jo bare si at det var pur flaks.

Eg e nissen
Gitt ut på CCAP nov 04

Eg e nissen eg styre businissen fra min isdekte borg
og det her e hevnen min for syndefallet, kom å kjøb deg fri fra din sorg

for eg har millioner av rødkledde agenter med sjegg som ser alt og følger aldle sporå
som selge ud igjen alskens dritt i plastikk fra konkursboet me kalle for jordå.

eg e visst nissen og eg e så triste prosjektet har gått så alt for fort fram
eg ville jo bare me sko kosa oss med presang og glemma vår medfødde skam

nå har eg millioner av rødkledde agenter med skjegg totalt ude av kontroll
som selge ud igjen alskens dritt i plastikk, mens eg synge sangen i moll

eg e nissen kor e sleden eg vil hjem
kor e nissen eg e sliten og må hjem
eg synge surt på mitt jularekviem
ingen e egentlig nissen sin venn

snart komme krakket nå går det øve styr om litt så seie det bang
neste år e eg manko for det skal mang ein presang te å døyva vår sorgtunge sang

Jørgen Tjemsland
høst 2004

Diverse Artister
(Not Just) Another X-mas album
nov. 04


Det er ikke for sent å shoppe julegaver! Alle cd´er som bestilles fra vår butikk på
Musikkonline sendes på dagen med A-post fra vårt lager i Stavanger.
Vår etterspurte juleklassikker fra 2004,
(Not Just) Another X-Mas Album er fremdeles tilgjengelig.

Vår katalog byr på musikk for (nesten) en hver smak, med artister som THOMAS DYBDAHL, HELLDORADO, POPFACE, LANO PLACES, RUB A DUBS, OTTESTAD og mange flere.

I år har vi gitt ut hele 6 album med lokale artister: THIRD AVENUE, STONEFISH BRIGADE, FLYING SHOES, THE NORWEGIAN FORDS, THE LIST, MODAN GARU i tillegg til samleplaten
POP08 - Lyden Av Stavanger der vi har samlet hele 26 lokale artister på et dobbelt album til enkel-cd pris!

Du kan høre smakebiter både på
Musikkonline og på iTunes, eller sjekk ut hjemmesidene til våre artister for mer info, musikk og bilder

X-mas shopping! All cd´s bought through our store at
Musikkonline will be sent the same day by priority A-mail from Stavaner. We cant guarantee delivery before x-mas, but we can promise you good music. For that indie-xmas spirit, check out our alternative X-mas compilation classic from 2004, (Not Just) Another X-Mas Album.

Most releases from our catalogue is still available, including albums by THOMAS DYBDAHL, HELLDORADO, POPFACE, LANO PLACES, RUB A DUBS, OTTESTAD and more.

This has been an active year for CCAP, and we have released 6 albums by: THIRD AVENUE, STONEFISH BRIGADE, FLYING SHOES, THE NORWEGIAN FORDS, THE LIST, MODAN GARU as well as the
POP08 - Sound Of Stavanger compilation featuring 26 local artists.

Check out the music at
Musikkonline or iTunes, or try the direct links to our artists for more info, pictures, music & more

Portland 6pm, Dutch radio, and the Hungarian Ambassador to Japan

The latest newsletter from our Canadian friend Geoff Berner

Dear Everybody,
I hope you're making it by okay in these difficult times.

Things are still going well at Berner Industries.  My November show at Paradox in Tillburg is going to be broadcast on National Radio on the 13th of December,  21.00-24.00 in a program called De Zaterdag van Zes" (Saturday on 6):  The show went so well, I'm thinking of releasing it at some point,  partly just to be able to say "Geoff Berner Live at Paradox", like some kind of accidentally incredibly accurate pidgin English statement about my career.

I am making a rare little trip down to the U.S.A. this weekend.  I thought I should reward you nice Americans for your recent good electoral behaviour.  IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT FOR ME TO EMPHASIZE HOW EARLY THE PORTLAND SHOW IS! 6PM!  Really!  But that will give us more time to have drinks and chat later, so that's good, no?

Touring the "Klezmer Mongrels" album, I am particularly sensitive to stories of odd cultural mixing.  If any of you have any, I'd be happy to read them. 

I have to tell you this story that the brilliant photographer
Fumie Suzuki, who lives in Budapest, told me.

This crew of Hungarian graffiti artists went to Japan last year, with the aim of working their way from the very North to the very South of Japan, tagging public spaces in their particular Hungarian graffiti way.

They thought it would be a fun project to blog and photo their work for their Hungarian site, in this distinctive new setting for them.

Unfortunately for them, public tagging is not a particularly popular sport in Japan.  According to Fumie, it's unheard of, and considered incredibly, offensively anti-social by pretty much everyone.  As a result, while the Hungarians believed that they were sneakily spray-painting while in cognito, they were, in fact, causing a massive sensation in the Japanese national media, who were running pictures of the offensive scrawls on the front pages of the newspapers, which, I suppose, the Hungarians weren't bothering to glance at, as they toodled along the north/south axis of the country. 

After a few days, the oblivious Magyars were easily caught.  As Fumie says, "I wouldn't want to be the Hungarian Ambassador to Japan on that day."

I hope my little trip to America won't be like that.

Dec. 12 USA/Seattle - The Tractor, opening for The Squirrels Christmas Show
Dec. 13 USA/Portland - Mississippi Pizza Pub, EARLY SHOW, 6PM. Future Historians play early short opening set.


Feb. 5 - Guelph, ON - Ebar
Feb. 6 - Toronto, ON - Tranzac
Saturday, Feb. 7 - Peterborough, ON - Spill Cafe
Feb. 9 - Waterloo - The Starlight
Tues., Feb. 10 - Hamilton, ON - The Casbah
Feb. 11 - London, ON - London Music Club
Feb. 12 - Kingston, ON - The Artel
Fri., Feb. 13 - Wakefield, PQ - Black Sheep
Feb. 14 - Montreal, PQ - Casa Del Popolo

Feb. 17 - Charlottetown, PEI - Baba's
Feb. 18 - Sackville, NB - Strutz Gallery
Feb. 19 - St. John NB - The Blue Olive
Feb. 20 - Halifax, NS - Gus' Pub.
Feb. 21 - St. John's, Newfoundland - The Ship.
Friday, Feb. 27 - Vancouver - Biltmore Cabaret

March 12 - Saskatoon - Lydia's
March 13 - Regina - The Exchange.
March 14 - Winnipeg, MB - The WECC
March 19 - Lethbridge AB - The Slice
March 20 - Calgary - The Ironwood
March 21 - Edmonton - Artspace.

March 26 - Saltspring Island - Mahon Hall, with Ora Cogan
March 27 - Victoria, BC - Logan's

Scandinavia!  Shows will include all Scandinavian capitals and a bunch of other places.  Booking is in process.

CCAP on iTunes

We receive quite a lot of questions regarding where to buy music released through CCAP. We deliver music to digital shops all around the world through our business partners at Artspages. To make your shopping experience as easy (and even fun?) as possible we have made the Musiconline store an integrated part of this website. In the Musiconline shop you will find all our releases, both as digital files and as physical copies (CD´s / vinyl). We are working on including a comprehensive list of all shops carrying our titles around the world, for now you can use these links to connect to the artists / releases on iTunes:

(PS Unfortunately for some reason these links dont work on all browsers / operating systems. If you have problems, search your local iTunes store for title or artist, or use " or title" in your browser DS)

VARIOUS ARTISTS - (Not Just) Another X-Mas Album Helldorado - (Not Just) Another X-Mas Album
VARIOUS ARTISTS - POP08 - The Sound Of Stavanger Attention Now - POP08 - the Sound of Stavanger
HOVERING ORVILLE - Silverlines Hovering Orville - Silverlines
FLYING SHOES - Flying Shoes Flying Shoes - Flying Shoes
THOMAS DYBDAHL - all releases Thomas Dybdahl
STONEFISH BRIGADE - all releases Stonefish Brigade
SKANKSTERS - Shaven Not Stirred Skanksters
MODAN GARU - all releases Modan Garu
POPFACE - all releases Popface
THE LIST - all releases The List
HELLDORADO - all releases Helldorado
THE NORWEGIAN FORDS - The Norwegian Fords The Norwegian Fords - The Norwegian Fords
THIRD AVENUE - The Grand Turn Third Avenue - The Grand Turn
CHRISTER KNUTSEN & SACRED HEARTS - The Way It Will Always Be Christer Knutsen & Sacred Hearts - The Way It Will Always Be - Single
OTTESTAD - Ottestad Ottestad - Ottestad
LANO PLACES - all releases Lano Places
JACKMAN - all releases Jackman
