14/08/12 15:34 Filed in:
New Release | Elise vatsvaag ELISE VATSVAAG - «Already Gone» - Free download!
«Already Gone» is the fifth installment in Elise Vatsvaag´s ongoing project «This Is Not My Music». Through 2012 Elise will release eight FREE singles on her website www.elisevatsvaag.com On the 10th of every month a new single will be available for free download, streaming and sharing through her website. Every fourth single will be followed by a EP compilation of the same tracks released through iTunes, Spotify, Amazon etc.
Download the track for free at www.elisevatsvaag.com or from this Soundcloud player:
Elise talks about the new single:
Already Gone was written along with my friend Paul F. Johannessen in New York City about a year ago. The truth is I've had my ups and downs with this song. The lyrics are describing some of the inside struggles I was having right after moving to New York. I was alone and somewhat confused. It is true what they say - a big city can indeed make you feel very small. I was having some difficulties as far as relating to the city, and I was also having doubts about my music. I needed to figure out a way to approach this whole new situation, and it wasn't going too well. At least not while I was writing this song. I wrote all the verses in New York, and I went home without a chorus. Even though I eventually figured out a solution to my problems and was feeling very much at ease, the song was still a dark piece at this point.
I wrote a new chorus in the studio with Ashley a few months later (the producer), and we recorded a new demo of it. Suddenly there was a shred of hope. The chorus added exactly what the song needed - light, hope, positivity, energy and guts. The darkness and the light went perfectly together. I wanted to record it, and I wanted to share it. So here it is. To you from my bare hands.
Check out all the singles released in the «This Is Not My Music» project so far:
Tags: pop pop electronica Free music Stavanger this is not my music
26/07/12 10:15 Filed in:
Elise vatsvaag | New Release ELISE VATSVAAG - FREE BONUSTRACK
Elise Vatsvaag is releasing 8 singles this year, all for free! It´s all part of her «This Is Not My Music» project. February through May and August through November 2012 she is releasing one single a month on her website www.elisevatsvaag.com. Each single is available for free streaming and download for one month until it´s replaced by a new single. Every fourth single is followed by an EP available for streaming and download through iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Deezer, Wimp etc
In addition Elise decided to release a brand new track, «Wasted», as a bonus track for her fans. Check it out at her website or download it here:
The EP with the first four singles was released in June. «This Is Not My Music EP #1» is available for streaming and downloading everywhere. Feel free to share this Soundcloud player
Tags: pop pop electronica Soundcloud Single Free music this is not my music
15/06/12 12:25 Filed in:
Elise vatsvaag | New ReleaseELISE VATSVAAG - «This Is Not My Music EP #1»

Norwegian singer-songwriter Elise Vatsvaag has created her own original and captivating sound while rubbing sonic shoulders with the likes of Lykke Li, Veronica Maggio and Robyn. Elise’s collection of songs «This Is Not My Music» will be released throughout 2012, offering a glimpse of this young singer-songwriter’s burgeoning talents.
"This Is Not My Music #1" is a collection of the first four singles Elise released in 2012.
Elise Vatsvaag started her musical career at the age of 17. She received attention for a song she wrote with legendary songwriter James T. Slater in 2010, «Ooh La La», and the song playlisted on the biggest national radio in Norway for three months the following year. “This was a wonderful learning experience,” Elise recalls, “but it was when I spent five months in New York City last year (2011) that I started to move towards this new artistic direction.”
After returning from New York, Elise spent 4 months in the studio recording new material with producer Ashley Stubbert in her hometown of Stavanger. «This Is Not My Music», is a collection of 8 songs, which will all be released throughout 2012. A new song will be released on the 10th of every month on www.elisevatsvaag.com, all tracks will be available for a free download. Every fourth single is followed bu an EP collection of the singles, digitally available everywhere.
«This Is Not My Music» is a concept recognizing the fact that music will eventually go free. Free, however, is only part of the business model. By unshackling her music and giving it away for free, Elise is using one product to add value to other products. As many artists have proven before her; free music helps generate interest in concerts and merchandise, the more people talk about the music increases the bands profile in turn receiving more marketing and licensing possibilities. To be recognized in a fast growing digital market artists need to find smart ways to spread good, relevant songs in the most efficient way. «This Is Not My Music» is Elise's solution.
The first song from the collection, «Safe Play», was released February 10th. “Safe Play” is a delightfully catchy confession, delivered with Elise’s signature carefree shrug and a smile. The thrilling combination of conventional pop rock instrumentation accompanied by strings and a sprinkling of electronica gives Elise a fresh individual sound. The day after releasing the song on her home page, Elise was made «Artist of the Week» by the biggest talent-scout radio show in Norway, NRK Urørt, confessing the following: «With well appropriated melodic hooks, a charming voice and a solid production, Elise Vatsvaag is one of the most exciting new pop artists Urørt has heard in a long time.»
The second single, “Vena Amoris”, was released March 10th. “It’s been a while since I’ve posted some straight up female singer/songwriter stuff, so I’m excited to have stumbled upon a goodie last weekend in Elise Vatsvaag. Vatsvaag, out of Norway, is releasing a new (free) song on the 10th of every month for her album, This Is Not My Music. I took a strong liking to her March single, “Vena Amoris (...) Vatsvaag has a youthful, precious voice” (www.knoxroad.com)
The third single, “Neighboorhood” was released April 10th. “Look at this pretty Norwegian lady singer, and listen to the equally pretty pop tune that she’s just made (...) a bright and cheerful song with a delightfully sunny disposition" (www.scandipop.co.uk). Leading up to this particular release Elise ran a competition called «This Is Not My Art Work», asking people to send her a photo of their best childhood memory to her Facebook. In under two weeks she received more than 70 photos!Tags: pop indiepop pop electronica Stavanger Soundcloud itunes this is not my music
10/05/12 11:44 Filed in:
Elise vatsvaag | New ReleaseELISE VATSVAAG - «THE NIGHT THAT I LET GO»
Get your free download from Elise Vatsvaag´s website
Scroll down to access the four singles released by Elise Vastvaag so far in 2012
Elise Vatsvaag tells us about her latest single:
I can’t believe I’m about to release a fourth single! 4 songs have been released, which basically means I’m halfway through the «This Is Not My Music» project. That is undeniably a fact that makes me feel tingly with joy and excitement. I am also very excited about this fourth single «The Night That I Let Go». Please allow me to explain why.
«The Night That I Let Go» is what I would like to call a «travelling tune». It first came to life during a Songwriter’s Circle, which is like a songwriting retreat where you meet up with different writers from across the world and make music together. In 2009 I paired up with Greg Holden, Jeff Cohen and Christian Ingebrigtsen – three excellent writers and amazing people. We wrote a funny song about drinking too much and partying too hard. It was great fun, but I never thought of either performing or recording the song. It was…well, a little over the edge. I could not, however, get some of the lyrical and melodic parts out of my head.
In the Summer of 2011 I was going over some old piano tracks that my friend and piano player Paul Fredrik Johannessen had sent me. I found a clip that I immediately fell in love with, and for some reason it made me think of the song I wrote back in 2009 with the boys. I called Paul and arranged a writing session with him. We jammed for a couple of hours, kept some of the melodies and lyrics from the session in 2009, and re-wrote a few things. Suddenly we had a song that sounded great. We called it «The Night That I Let Go». Technically speaking it took three years, five writers, two pianos, two guitars, two cities and two sessions to write this song. Phew.
I really hope you will like it.
I also wanted to let you know that on June 10th I’m releasing «This Is Not My Music EP#1», which holds the first four songs, «Safe Play», «Vena Amoris», «Neighborhood» and «The Night That I Let Go», and maybe also a surprise. You’ll have to buy it to find out. YES, buy! For the first time I’m asking for a price. For four months I’ve been giving my music away for free. On June 10th I’m releasing the first of two EP’s on iTunes and other digital stores. For those reading this, I hope you got a chance to download all the songs for free. If not, now there’s always a chance to get a hold of them.
That’s it for now
Elise Vatsvaag
Tags: pop pop electronica indiepop Singer-songwriter this is not my music