HELLDORADO + THE BRIGADE = ROCK NOIR Lørdag 16. november blir det ROCK NOIR-kveld med Helldorado og The Brigade på Folken i Stavanger. Arrangementet er et samarbeid mellom Helldorado, The Brigade og Folken.Dette blir en helaften i et mørkt og ørkenrocket musikalsk univers. Se mer informasjon om arrangementet her
Gjesteartister: - Janne Hagen. Var vokalist i det legendariske 90-talls bandet "Janne Hagen's Gospel Combo". Kjent for å skape magiske øyeblikk med sin autoritære stemmeprakt. - Johan Egdetveit (Stavanger Kitchen Orchestra, Wunderkammer etc. etc.): Spiller på djevelens instrument, trekkspill!! Kjent for å spille nesten like raskt som sin egen skygge. - Vibeke Lunde Steinstø spilte fløyte i forløperen til The Brigade, Stonefish Brigade. - Torben Grue synger til daglig i operakoret ved Den Norske Opera i Oslo og vil gjøre en uforglemmelig versjon av The Brigade's "For Someone You Love". HELLDORADO Helldorado, ditt favoritt surf-garage-mariachi-murderballad-rock band, avslutter Europa-turneen sin med en konsert på Folken i Stavanger. Med sitt femte album, Bones In The Closet, viser Helldorado at de fremdeles er et av Norges tøffeste band. Som på sine tidligere album tar de oss med inn i et Tarantino/Morricone-aktig landskap, med "murder-ballads", hvileløs ørkenrock, americana og surfgitar som noen av hovedingrediensene. Helldorado har denne gang strippet vekk strykerne fra de foregående albumene og gått tilbake til røttene: trommer, gitarer, bass og trompet, det hele frontet av den umiskjennelige stemmen til vokalist Dag Sindre Vagle. Albumet har blitt anmeldt til terningkast 5 i inn- og utland. Omtaler fra inn- og utland finner du her
THE BRIGADE The Brigade lurer deg inn i mørket og sparker deg ut igjen i lyset...
The Brigade ga ut debutplata "Dead Mans Gold" i 2010 og er nå på gang med nytt materiale. "Dead Mans Gold" var innom VG-lista topp 20 og høstet mange gode anmeldelser: - Et widescreen rocknroll-lerret som er spent opp på musikalske knagger som Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds, The Doors, 16 Horsepower og Madrugada (...) utmerket rock noir - Tom Skjeklesæther (ABC Startsiden) - Resultatet er tidevis sjokkerende bra (...) Låtene Right In Front Of You og She Wouldnt Let Me Drown er noe av det beste jeg har hørt i år - Egon Holstad (Nordlys) - Feiende flott utført og dermed lov å nyte. Som en god bourbon i halvmørket på et slitent hotellrom. - Stein Østbø (VG) - «Dead Man's Gold» er perfekt til to bruk: en lang kjøretur over den amerikanske prærien, eller en ensom kveld i en ålreit stol med en flaske brukbar whisky i hånden. Til all annen bruk vil The Brigades debutplate kun være veldig, veldig bra. Alt i alt er derfor platen noe man tror man kanskje har hørt før, men samtidig altfor bra til at man ikke føler at den er verdt å høre igjen - Tore Friestad (Studvest)
Helldorado - Live in Germany and Switzerland Helldorado are ready to rock your world. Check them out at: Tuesday 22. Oct -Wild At Heart, Berlin, Germany Wednesday 23. Oct -Eldorado, Zürich, Zwitzerland Thursday 24. Oct -Senkel, Stans, Zwitzerland Friday 25. Oct -ISC, Bern, Zwitzerland Saturday 26. Oct -Gasthaus "Zum Schwülmetal", Lödingsen, Germany Sunday 27. Oct -Vahlbruch, Germany Helldorado facebook // Helldorado web // Helldorado twitter
Helldorado - Bones In The Closet - reviews and news
The new Helldorado album is now out in Scandinavia and Europe (CD, Vinyl and digital) and the rest of the world (digital). We have been overwhelmed by the positive response on the album. We have collected a few of the reviews and stories written right here on bit.ly
The album is available for streaming and download on iTunes, Spotify, Wimp, Amazon and everywhere else you find good music. For the LP or CD version, check with you local record shop (distribution through Cargo among others) or visit Helldorado’s bandcamp
Bones In The Closet (album LP and CD) is now available for preorder at Bandcamp. Official release date 19. April (Scandinavia), 29. April (Europe), 13. May (UK)
Helldorado recently released the title track of their new album «Bones In The Closet» as a single. The single is available at iTunes, Spotify, Wimp, Deezer and pretty much every streaming and download service out there. We also have a beautiful 7» version of the single (with 3D cover, 3D glasses and download codes included) at Bandcamp. Radiostations and media can download the track from iPluggersor get in touch with us at post [at] ccap [dot] com and we’ll mail you a link for download. Media can also get in touch with us for early copies of the cd (or download links) for reviews / features.
Feel free to share / embed this compilation playlist, including the new single «Bones In The Closet»:
The new album will be available as CD / Vinyl LP (with handprinted fold out cover) / digital. Physical distribution in UK, Germany, Austria and Switzerland through Cargo, Netherlands through Music & Words, Sweden through Naxos, Norway through Musikkoperatørene. The CD and vinyl will also be available through Bandcamp
Releasedates: 19. April (Scandinavia) 29. April (Europe) 13. Mai (UK)
The release will be backed by a tour of both Norway and Europe. The new album is vintage Helldorado: It oozes of sorrow, sin, sex and pain, The band evokes the sensation of a burning sun on your neck, crunched sand between your teeth, a salty taste on your lips, a shaky finger on the trigger of a Colt 45, circling vultures silhouetted against a blue-white sky, a double whiskey on an empty stomach, and the smell of bacon, beans, gunpowder, leather & sweat.There is strong tradition of combining blues, country, rock and hardboiled crime. Murder, prison, crime, confession, remorse and punishment runs like a dark stream through the music of Johnny Cash, Tom Waits, Bob Dylan, Nick Cave and Stan Ridgeway among others. Helldorado brings this tradition into the new century. Heldorado gives you the music, colours, smells and atmosphere usually connected with the image of southern USA and Mexico. As on their previous albums Helldorado presents filmatic music inspired by Morricone and Tarrantino, epic and dramatic murder ballads, Americana, and Rock Noir. Strings and a horn section is added to spice it up. Under the open sky, the wide and burning hot desert landscapes, Helldorados faithless characters burn holes in their souls.
Helldorado- «Bones In The Closet» 7» vinyl and digital and video
«Bones In The Closet» is Helldorado´s first new release since «Sinful Soul» (album - 2009). The new single is available as digital download / streaming as well as 7» vinyl with 3D cover designed and printed by Drid Machine, including 3D glasses and download codes. The vinyl is available through Bandcamp
HELLDORADO - Bones In The Closet Vinyl & digital release 7. December 7» vinyl with 3D cover (glasses included). Coverdesign and print by Drid Machine Preorder your copy at Bandcamp
Helldorado is back! Bones In The Closet / Lost Highway Motel is first release from the band since the Sinful Soul album in 2009. A new album will be released in the winter 2012 / 2013. The relase will be backed by a tour of both Norway and Europe. The new album is vintage Helldorado: It oozes of sorrow, sin, sex and pain, The band evokes the sensation of a burning sun on your neck, crunched sand between your teeth, a salty taste on your lips, a shaky finger on the trigger of a Colt 45, circling vultures silhouetted against a blue-white sky, a double whiskey on an empty stomach, and the smell of bacon, beans, gunpowder, leather & sweat.There is strong tradition of combining blues, country, rock and hardboiled crime. Murder, prison, crime, confession, remorse and punishment runs like a dark stream through the music of Johnny Cash, Tom Waits, Bob Dylan, Nick Cave and Stan Ridgeway among others. Helldorado brings this tradition into the new century. Heldorado gives you the music, colours, smells and atmosphere usually connected with the image of southern USA and Mexico. As on their previous albums Helldorado presents filmatic music inspired by Morricone and Tarrantino, epic and dramatic murder ballads, Americana, and Rock Noir. Strings and a horn section is added to spice it up. Under the open sky, the wide and burning hot desert landscapes, Helldorados faithless characters burn holes in their souls.
Some great reviews for the new Helldorado album, Sinful Soul. These are in Norwegian. We will post new reviews as soon as they are published
HELLDORADO - «Sinful Soul» Av Egon Holstad - Nordlys Publisert 13.05.2009 - 16:18 Oppdatert 13.05.2009 - 16:19 Stavanger-baserte Helldorado har siden 2001 vært et av landets suverent mest talentfulle og beste rockband, og man er nesten fristet til å tro at det er noen onde, høyere makter som har hindret dem i å nå et større publikum enn hva som til nå har vært tilfelle. At de i tillegg gjør det skarpt nedover i Europa gjør bare poenget enda tydeligere.
Sinful Soul er deres tredje fullengder, og er bare nok et bevis på hvor sanseløst bra de er, og samtidig hvor uforståelig obskure de fortsatt er her på berget.
Deres forrige album, The Ballad Of Nora Lee (2005), var rett og slett et episk mesterverk et sted midt imellom 16 Horsepower, Lee Hazlewood, Nick Cave, Chris Isaak og The Gun Club (og alt annet kult du måtte ha lyst til å tilføye). Denne gangen er de ikke langt unna samme skyhøye nivå, men skiva er ikke like umiddelbar, og tar derfor lenger tid på å sette seg. Og så borrer den seg fast i hjernen og nekter å slippe taket.
Med unntak av litt masete låt i Sixty Seven er jeg mer eller mindre bergtatt av hele skiva, for her får du servert varme og smektende semiballader (åpningssporet Steal Away er til å dåne av), barske rockere, mariachikrydrede festperler, surfinspirerte knallerter og episke historier fortalt av Stemmen med stor S osv. osv. osv. At de i tillegg har fått skiva mikset i New York av Barry Diament, sier bare alt om ambisjonsnivået (han har gjort det samme for bl.a. Led Zeppelin og AC/DC).
For hva er egentlig dette bandets svakheter? De har kanskje landets aller beste vokalist, de er teknisk sett på et nivå man sjelden ser og hører i et rockband, og de skriver låter som om de hadde doktorgrad i nettopp dét. Og så er de formidable live. Herregud, kan ikke folk skjønne at de må sjekke dem ut? For bandets del, for deres egen del og ehhh... for rockens del. Nå er det på tide at de slår gjennom. Alt annet er en skandale og skamplett på norsk kulturliv. Og det mener jeg faktisk helt bokstavelig. Helldorado - Sinful Soul Av Rune Slyngstad - Fædrelandsvennen Publisert 12.05.2009 - 10:00 Oppdatert 12.05.2009 - 19:28
Her er bandet som kan overta etter Midnight Choir og Madrugada. Dag Vagle heter vokalisten her som tar opp arven etter Paal Flaata og Sivert Høyem. Det Helldroado gjør her er en maktdemonstrasjon innenfor filmatisk musikk etter Ennio Morricone-formelen, koblet med episke murder ballads, americana og hvileløs ørkenrock.
Etter en aktiv periode første halvdel av dette tiåret med tre albumutgivelser, er dette det første de gir ut siden den gedigne "The ballad of Nora Lee" høsten 2005. I mellomtiden har de festet et visst grep i mange europeiske land. Og Helldorado er visstnok stjerner i Tyrkia der supporterne til fotballandslaget har adoptert deres "Drinking song".
Bandet har minsket til en trio. Men det merkes ikke. En strykekvartett og tre blåsere er med på å holde oppe trykket på de tolv låtene. Her er ikke et kjedelig øyeblikk. Bandet virvler opp gyllent musikkstøv som de i neste omgang fjerner med tårevåte og blodige ballader. "Sinful soul" er så full av nerve og sjel og formidlingslyst at det ikke nytter å forsøke å slippe unna. Terningkast 5 HELLDORADO: «Sinful soul» Kjetil Wold – Stavanger Aftenblad
Svikere og syndefulle sjeler «Sinful soul» oser av sorg, synd, sex og smerte. Helldorados fjerde album er ingen gladplate.
Ingen av Helldorados utgivelser er gladplater. Men «Sinful soul» er en sterk og stemningsfull utgivelse.
Helldorado er et av de relativt få norske bandene som har - og alltid har hatt - et distinkt særpreg. Helldorado virrer ikke mellom sjangrene i håp om å treffe tidas melodi. Trioen bestående av hovedkomponist Dag Sindre Vagle (gitar, piano og vokal), Hans Arvid Wassvik (bass) og Morten Jackman (trommer) er tro mot sine americanaidealer.
Og Helldorado er stilige representanter for americana avdeling sør: Det vil si musikken, fargene, luktene og stemningene som man gjerne forbinder med de sørlige statene i USA samt Mexico.
TROLØSE FIGURER: Det er i disse faktiske og mentale landskapene historiene på «Sinful soul» utspiller seg. Åpneren «Steal away» er en sjelfull og forpint crime & love-sang. Og allerede i neste låt, «Your sinful soul», melder Helldorado tydelig ifra om hvor vi befinner oss - om noen ennå skulle være i tvil: Distant thunder is rolling / Across the desert sands Distant thunder is rolling / Across this pagan lands
Dermed er de tematisk og geografiske premissene lagt. Det er under den åpne himmel, i de vidåpne og brennende hete ørkenlandskaper Helldorados cineastiske og troløse figurer brenner hull i sjelene sine - om de noensinne har hatt noen. Det er her ondskapen, synden og de frykteligste forbrytelser utfolder seg. Mennene er grimme, kvinnene sexy og svikefulle. I hissige «Try so hard to be good» går det galt til og med for de som prøver å holde seg på den rene sti: She tries so hard to be good / But she always turns out bad
Dette er dama som kan sparke deg ned i den ugjengjeldte erotikkens flammehav. Henne hete lepper er lagd for å kysse. Men hun kysser naturligvis alle andre menn enn deg, den svikefulle dama. Kjenner vi henne igjen? Femme fatale. Arketypen fra hundrevis av filmer og tusenvis av kriminalromaner.
DRAMATIKK: Etter det forrige albumet «The ballad of Nora Lee» (2005) har Helldorado gått fra å være kvartett til å bli trio. Noe som ikke merkes på lydbildet: «Sinful soul» er rikelig utstyrt. Foruten basisinstrumentene bass, gitar og trommer er her også innslag av strykere og blåsere samt diverse andre instrumenter; fløyter, piano, zither og bouzouki.
Men det er særlig blåserne og strykerne som bidrar til å gi «Sinful soul» karakter og farge. «The happiest day» - en dramatisk ballade i beste Nick Cave-stil - løftes ytterligere med den bevisste bruken av strykere på refrenget. Og «Cross-dressing truck driver» er en helvetes-galopperende truck-historie som løftes opp til maksimal turtall av de heftige blåserne. Denne er også iblandet en smule mørk og eksplosiv Doors-estetikk. Og her befinner vi oss i hykleriets kromfargede høyborg: He's a heavy drinkin' church cruiser / bible reading child abuser
Andre ganger aner man at komponistene henter inspirasjon fra den store folkballadetradisjonen på de britiske øyer. Teksten på «And the Ravens did croak» ligger solid innenfor denne både tematisk og fortellermessig. Fortellingen om unge Willy som rir ut denne mørke høstdagen for å oppsøke sin kjære, er klassisk på alle vis. Og også her er smerten, kjærligheten og døden godt representert.
Og «Ten little demons» er en artig gjenbruk av temaet i Agatha Christies klassiske kriminalroman «Ten little niggers» - på norsk «Ti små negerbarn». Stilig lek.
POTENSIAL: Helldorado har ennå til gode å få høye plasseringer på de norske salgslistene. Det er en smule underlig. Helldorado har i alle fall de musikalske kvalitetene som skal til - og bandet har låter med tydelig radiopotensial. Man kan bare håpe at bandet skal få samme fotfeste i hjemlandet Norge som i Tyrkia, hvor det turnerer hyppig og har rockstjernestatus.
Samtidig skal det ikke underslås at de12 låtene fordrer en viss interesse for og innsikt i amerikansk populærkultur samt for de mørke og syndefulle sidene av livet. Men kan tyrkerne, så kan også vi.
Beste spor: «The happiest day», «Steal away», «Cross-dressing truck driver», «Gypsy fair» og «Damn you girl».
Helldorado released their great new album «Sinful Soul» Monday 9. May. Hard copies are available in Scandinavia through Bonnier Amigo Music (distributor) and mailorder at Musiconline.no.
The album is also available on , Spotify and other digital music providers.
Great reviews in Avisa Nordland (6/6), Fædrelandsvennen (6/6), Nordlys (5/6), Stavanger Aftenblad (5/6). We´ll keep you posted on more news, reviews etc
A MP3 version of "Ten Little Demons" from Helldorado´s new album has been added to the jukebox on the "CCAP ABOUT" page. Have a listen and let us know if you like it! The tracks is being sent out to radio and blogs this week. The track will also be available through iTunes, Spotify etc soon
”Ten Little Demons” is the first single from Helldorado´s forthcoming album ”Sinful Soul” (CCAP085). The album will be released throughout Scandinavia in May 2009, parallel with international digital release. Physical release in the rest of Europe in the fall supported by a European tour.
Helldorado has been described as “the sensation of a burning sun on your neck, crunched sand between your teeth, a salty taste on your lips, a shaky finger on the trigger of a Colt 45, circling vultures silhouetted against a blue-white sky, a double whiskey on an empty stomach, and the smell of bacon, beans, gunpowder, leather & sweat”.
Any further attempt to define Helldorado would reveal that they are firmly entrenched in the rock-punk-surf-folk-americana-country tradition, with Tarantino and Morricone hiding in the wings... They succeed in combining elements of their favourite American & European music traditions and subcultures, and still manage to sound unmistakably like Helldorado.
Discography Lost Highway (minialbum) - 2002 Directors Cut - 2004 The Ballad Of Nora Lee – 2005 Sinful Soul – 2009
Biography Helldorado was formed in the spring of 2001 in Stavanger, Norway. Most of the members had been playing in the local band The Tramps for several years, and had considerable live and studio experience with that band. They where looking for a much darker and broader musical landscape than they could find in The Tramps, and got together playing punked up surf covers with their new band Helldorado. After a while the band and their sound started to develop. They started adding their own songs to the set, and after a couple of gigs the rumours about the band was flying around town. In the fall of 2002 they entered the Stavanger traditional ZOOM week at legendary local rock club Checkpoint Charlie (a full week of local bands playing & battling for a spot at the ZOOM national finals in Oslo). Helldorado won the Stavanger leg, went to the final in Oslo and won there as well. The band was awarded a full Norwegian tour + a couple of gigs in the UK and Germany (Popkomm in Cologne).
In November 2002, shortly after winning the national ZOOM finale they released their first mini album Lost Highway at the local label CCAP.
The album received stunning reviews in the Norwegian music press (Dagbladet; “..six strong, minor tuned song”s, VG; “Dusty and dramatic”, Stavanger Aftenblad; “Helldorado is a mescaline cactus. The best Norwegian rockband today”, Rogalands Avis; “Americana to kill for”, Nordlys;” This is the best CD I have heard in a long, long time” etc) After they finished the extensive ZOOM tour, they spent considerable time in the studio in the summer of 2003. They developed a more aggressive, heavier and minor based edge. The fall was spent touring and perfecting their skills and their live sound In February 2004 Helldorado finally released their long awaited debut album Directors Cut in Scandinavia
"HELLDORADO - Director's Cut ”This is an aptly named album by this excellent Norwegian outfit - their echoey, gothic take on rock'n'roll drips atmosphere and attitude, and would be perfect soundtracking some Quentin Tarantino flick. Blood Shack's clattering tale of lust and vampirism sets the mood, and the other 11 tracks are filled with epic quantities of murder, deceit, guts, gore, hellfire and brimstone, all of it leavened with a dark, twisted sense of humour. There's also more than a hint of Nick Cave in Dag S Vagle's songs and voice, and in a fair and just world, Helldorado would find similar amounts of fawning press coverage and sales. Some chance." (The Belfast Telegraph)
After Directors Cuts release in Europe by Glitterhouse in October 2004, both critics and music lovers all over the continent are discovering the band.
Glitterhouse UK says this about the Directors Cut album: “Hellfire seems to be burning in each of their songs, be it the mighty, but balladesque tracks like "Diesel & Bones", the hard-rocking tracks like "Payrolled" or "Killer on the Highway" or the plain desert-rock anthems, such as the masterful "Blood Shack", there can be no doubt, Helldorado rocks! Apart from that, they are looking way cool (as if they just escaped the lunatics' asylum), and their live shows are legendary. Their musical roots are pretty clear: Gun Club, 16 Horsepower, Morricone, Chris Isaak and/or The Cramps, obviously without being copy cats of the aforementioned, they add something very specific to their music. It may be their ability to write fantastic tunes, hooklines that will make you shiver, and their ability to keep the quality of their songs, as diverse as they may be up on the highest level throughout the 11 tracks of "Director's Cut"”
The Ballad Of Nora Lee is the third release from the Norwegian quartet. The album shows a band that is still deeply fascinated and inspired by American music and subculture, combining elements from different genres but still managing to sound unmistakably like Helldorado. These guys are no copycats, they mean it man! They pick from the best and make it their own. Mighty ballads, stompin´rockers, desert-rock anthems, Mexican trumpets, spooky strings and rocking attitude, Helldorado´s got it all. Since their last album, Directors Cut, the band has taken a step closer to the Mexican border, but the band still evokes the sensation of a burning sun on your neck, crunched sand between your teeth, a salty taste on your lips, a shaky finger on the trigger of a Colt 45, circling vultures silhouetted against a blue-white sky, a double whiskey on an empty stomach, and the smell of bacon, beans, gunpowder, leather & sweat.
The Ballad Of Nora Lee also saw the band having a surprise hit in Turkey with the album track “The Drinking Song”. The track was playlisted by Radio Eksen and quickly attracted a lot of attention. Helldorado has done four sold out tours of Turkey, been covered extensively in Turkish media and gained a new level of popularity when an adapted version of Drinking Song became the official song of the Turkish National Football Team.
Helldorado is a fantastic live band and their gigs are legendary. Combine their abilities as a live band with their natural coolness and a bunch of rocking tunes that other bands would kill for, and you have a success in the making. So get into your 65 Chevy, a few bottles of Whiskey, grab some good looking, mini-skirts wearing girls and drive through the night, waiting for what will happen. The perfect soundtrack is already there!
The new Helldorado album called Sinful Soul will be released in the end of April, and it is absolutely brilliant as usual. This is the first album recorded as a trio, all though they´ve had great help on the album by both a string quartet, horn section and backing vocals. The album was recorded at Bekk Studio and mastered by the great Barry Diament in New York.
Tracklisting: Steal Away, Your Sinful Soul, Try So Hard To Bee Good, The Happiest Day, Cross Dressing Truck Driver, Sixty Seven, And The Ravens Did Croak, Jump Baby Jump, Ten Little Demons, Gypsy Fair, Damn You Girl, Hellraising Outlaw.
A rough mix of Hellarising Outlaw is available on the POP08 compilation, the rest of the tracks are brand new.
Some of the track will be available on the internet before the release of the album. When and where will be announced later.
Helldorado are back in Turkey for a fall tour. There might be additional dates added in November. Check this space or the Helldorado site for updates
We 1-10 TR Izmir - Ooze Venue Th 2-10 TR Istanbul - Studio Live Fr 3-10 TR Istanbul - Beyaz Show (TV talk show) Sa 4-10 TR Ankara - Rock Station Festival Fr 10-10 TR Istanbul - Bogazici University Sa 11-10 TR Bursa - Suare
If you happen to be a Helldorado fan living in Turkey check out the latest editions of the following Magazines for interviews with the band: -The Rolling Stone Magazine (Turkey) -Hurriyet -Milliyet -Star Gazetesi
There is also planned an interview with the D Plus channel
The new Helldorado album is planned for release early 2009. "Hellraising Outlaw" of the album is now available on the POP08 compilation
As you might now the official fan song for the Turkish National Football Team is a version of Helldorado´s "A Drinking Song". Turkey is playing the semi-finals against Germany tonight, and the interest for both the official football song, Helldorado´s original version and the band has been rising through the tournament. Today the Norwegian newspaper VG presented a "mash up" of the football video and Helldorado´s original video on their web TV. Earier Norwegian TV2 did a story on the case.
Our licensing partner in Germany, Glitterhouse, reports that "Der Tagesspiegel" (one of the biggest German newspapers, from Berlin) wrote a lengthy feature about "A Drinking Song" and the Turkish team. SAT1 tv (one of the big four German tv-channels) showed excerpts from "A Drinking Song" and from the Turkish team's version in their "Breakfast Magazine" twice this morning.
Our record label in Turkey, Artist Music, reports that the popularity of Helldorado is growing. The album was last week at number 1. on the Rock Music Chart in Turkey and number 18. on the international sales charts in Turkey. Numberone FM has put the track on heavy rotation and the song is currently #1 on their Top 40. The video is started playing on MTV Turkey.
"Ballad Of Nora Lee" was released in Turkey last month. So far major newspapers like Hurriyet, Sabah and Vatan have feautured it in their album review and news sections. Also, the major magazines like Blue Jean, Dream Dergi, Tempo, Hey Girl, Aktuel +18 have published it. Star TV (one of the most popular major national TV channels) and Dream TV (national music TV channel) used both the original video and the Ulker's football commercial (a version of Drinking Song with Turkish lyrics). ''A drinking Song'' video is now on rotation as ''Fresh'' on Number One TV (national music channel).
The album is sold on all major music stores like D&R, Megavizyon, Mephisto etc. The album is currently at number 17 on the international sales chart in Turkey
Turkey beat Norway out of the qualifier for the European Football Championship, but Norway is still represented in Switzerland / Austria this summer:
The Turkish company Ulker are sponsoring the Turkish National Football Team towards this summers European Championship. They have chosen the Helldorado song “Drinking Song” for their campaign. The first leg of the campaign was released this week, and the response have been tremendous.
The 60 seconds video clip finds the Turkish National Football Team performing “Drinking Song” (with new football related lyrics). The commercial is now being shown on Turkish TV, and Helldorado and the Ulker commercial have also been featured on Turkish TV news. We are being told that this song is now more or less the official Turkish supporter anthem for the championship!
Helldorado have been receiving messages from Turkey on their myspace, helldorado and facebook websites as well as on their cell phones (no, we are not giving out those numbers:-) the past days, so it seems a lot of the Turks understands where this songs comes from.
We are enjoying every bit of it, and hopefully this will help Helldorado to an even higher profile in Turkey. Check out the Ulker Commercial on You Tube And Helldorado´s own video is right here
Helldorado have had great success in Turkey the past couple of years. They have had three sold-out tours in Turkey and their "Drinking Song" from "The Ballad Of Nora Lee" album has become something of an anthem on radio and in cafe´s and clubs. Now "The Ballad Of Nora Lee" has finally been released in Turkey through Artist Music & Management and the brand new video for "Drinking Song" is Video Of The Day at Dream TV. Check out the video on Dream TV right here